Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Still in Marathon

It is now April 13 and we are still in Marathon waiting for the wind to change from the north, northeast at 15 to 20 miles per hour so we can leave. The weather has been good, some very hot humid days and some nice hot (80's) windy(blowing 15-20 mph) dry days like today. We continue to meet new arrivals who are also waiting to go north. we will let you all know when we leave, maybe this weekend?? (Barb is getting anxious to leave as it is a long trip back to RI) Hope all is well up north.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barb & Dave, All is well in RI. The weather has given some great days and now will give rain for the next three, then none for two, then rain again. NEB is behind getting hulls prepped and painted and splashed including S/v Spirit. I've been down a couple of times and will be spending more time working on her when the rain ends. I've gotten a lot of strength back and don't feel any limits after the entire ordeal. Peg is great. All the best, David & Peg
