Sunday, August 2, 2009

In Maine and this will catch us up

Monday July 27th we left Pepperrell cove to go to Potts Harbor in Casco Bay. But because of waiting for weather to clear we left later than expected and after motor sailing for a few hours decided that we better find a closer port to duck into. The best place appeared to be to anchor in Biddeford Pool so we headed in arriving late to get the dog ashore. We got anchored, but I managed to catch the dinghy towline in the prop. As I had got down to look at this the yacht club launch came by to tell us we should move as an extremely low tide was expected. After jogging the engine and cutting the line we were free to move. We moved reset the anchor, put the engine on the dinghy and I took the dog and headed for shore. As we went through the churning waters in the pool the engine stopped. Again another launch operator rescued us and I got the dog to shore and we were able to return on the reserve fuel in the tank. We watched the tide finish going out until about midnight then were finally able to sleep soundly till morning. The next day after taking the dog ashore and heading out to complete the trip to Potts harbor, after some miscommunication and misdirection and lobster pot minefields we were able to spend a restful night with a good meal ashore in Potts harbor. Then on to South Freeport for rest and relaxation for a couple of days with a side trip to L. L. Bean to do a little shopping. Next head to South Portland on Friday to meet family late Friday and to try to solve a problem with the radar scanner. Problems with telephone reception in South Freeport at the mooring made communicating with Raymarine difficult. We dodged fog and rain and waited patiently to cross to South Portland in limited visibility without the aid of the radar. Had an unexpectedly great meal at Joe's dockside restaurant while awaiting our son Craig's arrival with the three grandsons.
In the morning we all had breakfast while waiting for are son Kevin to arrive with his wife Julie.
We went for a day sail in splendid weather with great winds enjoyed by all. Dinner was at 3$ Dewey's in Portland in a real casual Brewpub style restaurant. Kev and Julie headed out for home and the rest of us went back to the boat. Sunday brought fog turning to Pea soup fog as we took a little trip to Portland Head light and the fort from the land side. Craig and children left after lunch and we caught up with laundry and rest. I got on line to do research into the possible options to solve our radar problems and to do some research on the voltage regulator and alternator. We will probably be in Portland surroundings until the Radar problem is solved.

1 comment:

  1. It's always something, isn't it? Glad you had a nice time with family. We're hoping to catch up with guys soon. We're in the Cranberry Islands now. Just updated our blog today. Take care. Michele and Steve
